Mission & Values

We strive to create a community of dreamers, thinkers, and doer’s who leave their world a little better than they found it. Believing every life has purpose and potential, we strive to give individuals the platform they need to showcase their incredible God given talents.

The Logo

The parodia cactus is a perfect symbol of who we are. This cactus surrounds itself with sharp needles that protect its core, it is resilient in the hottest weather and rooted wherever planted. Its size is determined by the pot it is contained in and if allowed to grow can become quite large. Amongst its spikes colorful flowers can be seen budding at its crown. The aesthetic diversity and beauty of the parodia cactus is an amazing sight you don’t easily forget!

Simply put, the needles are our partners with the core representing the communities we serve. Roots mean that we stay grounded pursuing our vision and don’t forget who we are and where we came from. The flower(s) are the result of a flourishing and vibrant group of people all working together to bring out the best in our endeavors ! If you support our local partners and help them grow we do too!

The Vision

Parodia was designed with the purpose of featuring the talent and creativity of others.  We recognize that not all creators are created equal. Some individuals are bubbly and outgoing while others are reserved and quiet about what they do. We wanted to have a place where they can come together and be recognized for their individuality.  Let’s face it, building a craft or brand is difficult as it is, let alone trying to market it. We want to provide a service that free up our partners to do what they do best, create & design!

Founded in 2022, by Ashley Glenn, Parodia started as a personal hobby and has turned into an evolving business. As a young girl, Ashley often frequented antique shops, galleries, and festivals with her family absorbing all the amazing things they had to offer. These places allowed her to socialize with incredible entrepreneurs and gave her the inspiration to start a business to support them. Ashley’s background is in business management, so this was a perfect way to utilize her skills and have fun doing it. Drop Ashley a line by email or on social media. Also, don’t forget to like & subscribe to stay updated on news & events!